Hi Excel Experts,
Can any one, please help me with this..
I am having a excel spreadsheet, which contains CASH overdue, distributed as per days - diff. time interval.
Need help in first step - to identify them as per time interval.
I am finding the unallocated cash, mentioned in Column H, with the respective time Interval columns J - P & if identified, mark green in column Q same row & resp. identified cash/es, if not Orange in column H. (Which would be crosschecked manually later, after sort by color).
Two instances to identify: 1. Amount in Column H, Unallocated Cash; can have perfect match in one of the Time Interval columns- Then Identified.
2. Amount can be equal to sum of two or more cashes in Column J - P - Then its Identified.
Since, most of the cashes can be identified 75 + %, hoping for a VBA Macro code to do this task. Please help me with a VBA for the simple example provided in attached file, which consists 40 sample, actual work consists of 300+rows.
Please feel free to ask any info. leave a comment.
Thanks & Regards