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Linked Cell for ActiveX Checkbox via VBA

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    Linked Cell for ActiveX Checkbox via VBA

    I am trying to insert an ActiveX Checkbox into a worksheet. Have finally figured out many things on how to do this, however am stumped on getting the “Linked Cell” to work without a “Run-time error ‘438’: Object doesn’t support this property or method” The code between the asterisks:
    “.LinkedCell = LC.Address”

    seems to cause the error. I have tried many other versions from websites all over:

    '.LinkedCell = Cells(r + 1, 26).Address
    '.Placement = xlMove
    '.LinkedCell = LC.Offset(0, -8).Address
    '.LinkedCell = LC.Address
    '.LinkedCell = .TopLeftCell.Offset(0, lCol).Address
    '.LinkedCell = Cells(r + 1, 26).Address
    '.LinkedCell = ActiveSheet.Range("Z" & (r + 1))

    None seem to work.
    I would appreciate any help anyone could give me. Would also like to change the name to "Checkbox_" & (r+1), if that is possible, however I get a similar error if I try to use .Name:="Checkbox_" & (r+1)

    Current Code is:

    Sub Add_Checkbox()
    'Works, except to get the linked Cell
    Dim oleObj As OLEObject
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim o As OLEObject
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim LC As Range
    Set LC = Cells(r + 1, 26)
    r = 21
    Set oleObj = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", _
    link:=False, _
    DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
    Left:=Range("AH" & (r + 1)).Left + Range("AI" & (r + 1)).Width, _
    Top:=Range("AH" & (r + 1)).Top + 1, Width:=Range("AH" & (r + 1)).Width - 1, _
    Height:=Range("AI" & (r + 1)).Height - 1.5)
    With oleObj.Object
        .Caption = "Equipment?"
        .Font.Size = 6
        .BackColor = &H80FF80
        .LinkedCell = LC.Address
    End With
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance,

    Papa Newch
    Last edited by Papa Newch; 11-05-2014 at 05:05 PM. Reason: Added Code Tags - Sorry about the rookie mistake

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