
I'm not sure if I have a bit of a dodgy workbook here but the sheet protection code isn't working as expected.

I have a worksheet that contains a table of data. The cells within this table are unlocked but the headings and everything else is around it is locked.

I need to protect the sheet to prevent the user entering data outside of this table, no problem.

Worksheets("Database").Protect Password:="XXX"
I need to allow the user to be able to use the AutoFilter, no problem.

Worksheets("Database").Protect Password:="XXX", AllowFiltering:=True
I need to allow the user the ability to insert comments, problems start here:

Worksheets("Database").Protect Password:="XXX", AllowFiltering:=True, DrawingObjects:=False
With the sheet protection set like this I can now insert and delete rows, columns and indiviual cells. I can't seem to get it locked down right to allow comments but not inserting / deleting cells/columns/rows. I've even tried:

Worksheets("Database").Protect Password:="XXX", AllowFiltering:=True, DrawingObjects:=False, _
AllowDeletingRows:=False, AllowDeletingColumns:=False
But no change. Anyone else any experience with this???

Thanks, TC