I am frustratingly (if that's a word) trying to learn about macros. The various tutorial pages I've found online give good directions on how to create a macro which I have done and the macro works, but I have not found out how to make it work on different columns on the same spreadsheet or on different spreadsheets (tabs) or even different Excel files.

My task is to select three columns, sort by the first col and then by the second col, and end with the cursor at the top of col1. I created a macro to do that, which I *think* I stored in MyPersonalWorkbook. The macro works, but ONLY on the first three columns over and over. The files I am working with are a large series of three-column data sets (colA,colB,colC are for set1, colsD,E,F are for set2, etc.). Each file has about 10 tabs of this type of data, and I have several files per week to deal with. So, having a macro is very appealing because I would have to manually sort every 3 cols for a HUGE amount of data on multiple tabs within multiple files, every week.

What I want is this.... Sort a set of three columns by the first and then the second col in the series of three, then end with the cursor at the top. Bult I want to have this macro available (via a button or whatever) to sort the next three columns, then the next three, and so on. I want it available to then move to the next tab on the same workbook and do the same. Lastly, I need it to be available for use in the same manner for an entirely different Excel file. Note that all sortable areas on all tabs and workbooks are the exact same size and shape (3col X 32rows).

I am using Excel 2010. My thanks to anyone that can help me figure this out!