Excel 2010
I have tweaked and re tweaked the code in this test sheet to where I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is 90% where I need it to be.
Without interfering with any of the code below .. just need to add another condition for the N/A pop up part of the macro.
You may or may not need to know but there are formulas in L and M - this may be important when you see my request.
In column L there is the following formula =IF(I2="",IF(B2="","",$B$2-B2),I2-B2)
In column M there is the following formula =IF(I2=0, "",IF(I2-B2 1 Then Exit Sub
Here is what I am looking for:
#1 - When the data validation list in column G is used to select "N/A-Must add comment"
- I would like column I (same row) to populate with N/A and the result in L & M be 0 and N/A respectively (keep formulas intact) (or some other version with same result)
- And continue to have the pop up work as it does now (only when N/A is selected in G - pop up comes up to remind to add comment to J)
So not sure if we need to modify the code and the formula's in L & M to get the desired end result.
Please help me but this thing to bed - It would be greatly appreciated
I have attached a workbook.
Thanks again for looking.