Hi All,
I'm afraid the first part of the question must be one of the most "noob" questions ever asked in this forum, but I just can not find how to do this.
It must be simple, but then again, that's all when you know it :-)
Here's my question:
I have made a "userform" to fill in data into cell's on the worksheet "Factuur"
The information is "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Email" etc.
This userform functions. (And Yes, I know, the code is not good, but I could not fiddle out how else to make it work)
(I will make a separate post to clean up this code)
I have a sheet called "NAW" and the information from the fields on "Factuur" (e.g. : "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Email" etc.) should be placed in that sheet.
The first customer I put in, will have cell A2 till lets say G2.
The next customer will have A3 till G3, etc.
There are some tricky parts:
- Not all the fields are mandatory, so the data from the new customer needs to have a clean "row" (I can not use +1 code for the cells)
- The customer needs to get a unique customer-number, This can be simple, like first customer customer ID 1, second 2, etc.
One of the things that would really be a great extra, is when the Userform3 also can look at the values put in in the past.
Some more explanation for this:
Lets say I have a customer with the name "Jones", and I type in the name Jones, the address field should give me all the addresses of all the customers with the name "Jones", and a blank field, for the case this Jones is a new customer. The same goes for the fields Phone, Email, etc.
If this is possible, I can have / start to build up a "database" with unique customer information.
To make it even more "complex"...
The "Factuur" sheet all way's will have a unique "Factuur nr." it this case it will look like "2014341"
If the first part is possible,
then this next part should be possible also:
The Factuur nr. , a unique value need to be copied into the customers "ID row".
If this customer "Jones" come's 15 times, there need to be added 15 times the "Factuur nr."
I don't know what's the best solution for this.
Somehow I guess the only way is to make for every visit of that customer a new column, and add the "Factuur nr." in that column.
But that doesn't look "****" :-)
Also, I like to add the date, that the customer has visit. This gives more insight in customer loyalty.
Lot's of stuff to think about!
If you can push me a bit in the right direction, that would be great!