This seems to be way more difficult than I anticipated, I just need a little help with consolidating. Tried the consolidate feature, however not sure that it is what I am looking for.
I am basically trying to condense several calendars ( one calendar per department in a company) into one Calendar..Each calendar has its own tab and looks exactly the same. (tab names: Clubhouse, spa, and final calendar... possibly more departments added later) Hard to explaing so I will attach the file. All I would like to do is combine all calendars into the "final calendar" and in time order if possible... example below
{Clubhouse Tab} A3 will have the time (10 am) , B3 will have the item "Meeting"
{Clubhouse Tab} A4 will have the time (5 pm) , B4 will have the item "Dinner"
{Spa Tab} A3 will have the time (12 pm) , B3 will have the item "Lunch"
{Final Calandar} A3 will have the time (10 am) , B3 will have the item "Meeting" - from Clubhouse Tab
{Final Calandar} A4 will have the time (12 pm) , B4 will have the item "Lunch" - from Spa Tab
{Final Calandar} A5 will have the time (5 Pm) , B5 will have the item "Dinner" - from Clubhouse Tab
If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it, and I can get a god night's sleep!