i am enclosing a test macro. In this macro i create a dictionary object to count the number of processA and processB values for a given ID.
For some reason it is not working
any ideas?
i am enclosing a test macro. In this macro i create a dictionary object to count the number of processA and processB values for a given ID.
For some reason it is not working
any ideas?
What do you think dic_InFl_SiteIds should be?
Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.
sorry ..........it should be "dic_Ids"
I figured. Would you also care to be a little more specific than "not working"?
the first time through when i find an ID that is not in the dictionary i add it to the dictionary like this
First line adds it to dictionary and 2nd/3rd line re-assigns values in procA and procB to dictionary.......but for some reason its not updating. it stays at zero even if "ProcA_array(LC1, 1)=1"![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Array(LC1, 0, 0) dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = ProcA_array(LC1, 1) dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) = ProcB_array(LC1, 1)
The reason for the code not working is that dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) returns a copy of the array and that's what you change. You need to use something like this:
Sub Main() Dim fl_macro As String Dim input_fl_last_row As Long Dim vTemp fl_macro = ThisWorkbook.Name Set Input_to_copy = Workbooks(fl_macro).Worksheets("Sheet2") Set output_sht = Workbooks(fl_macro).Worksheets("Sheet3") output_sht.Cells.ClearContents input_fl_last_row = 3689 'create arrays of required header cols With Input_to_copy ID_array = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(input_fl_last_row, 1)).Value ProcA_array = .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(input_fl_last_row, 2)).Value ProcB_array = .Range(.Cells(1, 3), .Cells(input_fl_last_row, 3)).Value End With 'create dictionary of SiteId values from input file Set dic_Ids = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") dic_Ids.CompareMode = 1 ' 'add items to dictionary. For LC1 = 2 To UBound(ID_array, 1) If dic_Ids.Exists(ID_array(LC1, 1)) Then 'these msgbox values are in here to help identify whats going on MsgBox "in exists " & ID_array(LC1, 1) MsgBox "current count E is " & dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) MsgBox "current count F is " & dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) '1st=row of first instance, 2nd will be sum of col B and 3rd will be sum of col C vTemp = dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) vTemp(1) = vTemp(1) + ProcA_array(LC1, 1) vTemp(2) = vTemp(2) + ProcB_array(LC1, 1) dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = vTemp 'if item is not in the dictionary then add it and create additional records with it ElseIf Not dic_Ids.Exists(ID_array(LC1, 1)) Then '1st=row of first instance, 2nd will be sum of col B and 3rd will be sum of col C dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Array(LC1, ProcA_array(LC1, 1), ProcB_array(LC1, 1)) 'these msgbox values are in here to help identify whats going on MsgBox "in NOTTT exists " & ID_array(LC1, 1) MsgBox "current count E is " & dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) MsgBox "current count F is " & dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) End If Next LC1 temp_array = dic_Ids.Items MsgBox "lkjlk" End Sub
Why don't you just use a pivot table?
Based on your code i also came up with a soln.
Basically you CAN NOT do this assignment and i dont know why:
but you CAN do this type of assignment:![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(0) = LC1 dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = ProcA_array(LC1, 1) dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) = ProcB_array(LC1, 1)
i am also enclosing the code i came up with .........thanks again for your help.![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Array(LC1, ProcA_array(LC1, 1), ProcB_array(LC1, 1))
For the reason I gave you. This:
returns a copy of the array in the Dictionary, so when you do this:![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))
you only update the copy.![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(0) = LC1
but why does this work then:
wouldnt your comments about the "copy" still apply? thanks again for your help![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Array(LC1, ProcA_array(LC1, 1), ProcB_array(LC1, 1))
No because you are assigning the array directly to the dictionary item. In the former case, you have to return the (copy of the) array before you can access an element of it (to read or write).
Another option see code comments:-
Results start column "G"
Regards Mick![]()
Option Explicit '*********************************************************************** '*********************************************************************** ' Returns the character equivalent of a col num '*********************************************************************** '*********************************************************************** Function alphacol(numcol As Long) Dim colchar As String If numcol > 0 And numcol < 257 Then If numcol > 26 Then colchar = Chr(64 + Int((numcol - 1) / 26)) colchar = colchar & Chr(65 + ((numcol - 1) Mod 26)) Else: colchar = Chr(65 + ((numcol - 1) Mod 26)) End If End If alphacol = colchar End Function '*********************************************************************** '*********************************************************************** ' Main '*********************************************************************** '*********************************************************************** Sub Main() Dim Input_to_copy As Worksheet Dim output_sht As Worksheet Dim ID_array As Variant Dim ProcA_array As Variant Dim ProcB_array As Variant Dim fl_macro As String Dim input_fl_last_row As Long Dim Dic_Ids As Object Dim LC1 As Long Dim Temp_Array As Variant Dim Q As Variant fl_macro = ThisWorkbook.Name Set Input_to_copy = Workbooks(fl_macro).Worksheets("Sheet2") Set output_sht = Workbooks(fl_macro).Worksheets("Sheet3") output_sht.Cells.ClearContents input_fl_last_row = 3689 'create arrays of required header cols ID_array = Input_to_copy.Range(alphacol(1) & 1 & ":" & alphacol(1) & input_fl_last_row).Value ProcA_array = Input_to_copy.Range(alphacol(2) & 1 & ":" & alphacol(2) & input_fl_last_row).Value ProcB_array = Input_to_copy.Range(alphacol(3) & 1 & ":" & alphacol(3) & input_fl_last_row).Value 'create dictionary of SiteId values from input file Set Dic_Ids = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Dic_Ids.CompareMode = 1 ' 'add items to dictionary. For LC1 = 2 To UBound(ID_array, 1) If Dic_Ids.Exists(ID_array(LC1, 1)) Then 'these msgbox values are in here to help identify whats going on 'MsgBox ("in exists " & ID_array(LC1, 1)) 'MsgBox ("current count E is " & Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1)) ' MsgBox ("current count F is " & Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1)) '1st=row of first instance, 2nd will be sum of col B and 3rd will be sum of col C '###################### 'You need to assign the Dictionary items to a variant variable "Q" here!! Q = Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) 'The add the "Proc-- array" here !! Q(1) = Q(1) + ProcA_array(LC1, 1) Q(2) = Q(2) + ProcB_array(LC1, 1) 'Then Update the dictionary by assigning the variable "Q" back to the dictionary" Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Q '######################## 'Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) + ProcA_array(LC1, 1) 'Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) = Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) + ProcB_array(LC1, 1) 'if item is not in the dictionary then add it and create additional records with it ElseIf Not Dic_Ids.Exists(ID_array(LC1, 1)) Then '1st=row of first instance, 2nd will be sum of col B and 3rd will be sum of col C Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1)) = Array(LC1, 0, 0) Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = ProcA_array(LC1, 1) Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2) = ProcB_array(LC1, 1) 'these msgbox values are in here to help identify whats going on ' MsgBox ("in NOTTT exists " & ID_array(LC1, 1)) 'MsgBox ("current count E is " & Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1)) 'MsgBox ("current count F is " & Dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(2)) End If Next LC1 Temp_Array = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Dic_Ids.Items)) Range("H1").Resize(UBound(Temp_Array), 3) = Temp_Array Range("G1").Resize(UBound(Temp_Array)) = Application.Transpose(Dic_Ids.keys) 'MsgBox ("lkjlk") End Sub
Other than using Q rather than vTemp, is that different from mine? (BTW, you forgot to alter the bit in the Else part)![]()
To be Honest I've only just seen your code. If I'd seen it before I posted , I would not have bothered !!!!!
No worries - thought I was missing something.
i hope you dont think i am totally stupid but i just dont get this statement
"In the former case, you have to return the (copy of the) array before you can access an element of it (to read or write)"
i just dont see why i cant make this type of assignment
i can display to the screen the contents of this![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = ProcA_array(LC1, 1)
so why cant i make an assignment to it.........just dont get the "copy thing"![]()
dic_Ids.Item(ID_array(LC1, 1))(1) = ProcA_array(LC1, 1)
granted we have a fix i am just trying to understand why could not do what i thought should work
Whenever you put an array into a Dictionary, or get one out, you are dealing with a copy. So if you create an array variable, load it into a Dictionary and then alter the original array variable, the Dictionary contents don't change.
In order to access any element of the array, you have to return the whole array first. In the case of your code, there is an implicit variable created similar to my vTemp variable, which is a copy of what is in the Dictionary (that's just the way it works).
Reading the copy (e.g. outputting to messages/immediate window) is fine because it's a copy - so the contents are the same as the array in the Dictionary.
Writing to an element also changes the copy only.
The only way to update the array contents is to assign a new array back to the Dictionary item.
I don't really know how else to put it I'm afraid.
BTW, the same is true of the Collection object.
Last edited by romperstomper; 10-23-2014 at 11:01 AM.
thanks......that does help a little more.......
Hello Welchs101,
I use this technique a lot. Here is my version of the macro. It outputs the results on "Sheet3".
Sub Macro1() Dim Cell As Range Dim Data As Variant Dim Dict As Object Dim Key As String Dim Item As Variant Dim n As Long Dim Rng As Range Dim Wks As Worksheet Set Wks = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set Rng = Wks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion Set Rng = Intersect(Rng, Rng.Offset(1, 0)) Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare For Each Cell In Rng.Columns(1).Cells Key = Cell If Key <> "" Then If Dict.Exists(Key) = False Then ReDim Data(2) Data(0) = Key Data(1) = Cell.Offset(0, 1) Data(2) = Cell.Offset(0, 2) Dict.Add Key, Data Else Data = Dict(Key) Data(1) = Data(1) + Cell.Offset(0, 1) Data(2) = Data(2) + Cell.Offset(0, 2) Dict(Key) = Data End If End If Next Cell For Each Item In Dict.Items Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A1:C1").Offset(n, 0).Value = Item n = n + 1 Next Item End Sub
Last edited by Leith Ross; 10-23-2014 at 10:18 PM.
Leith Ross
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