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Random number generated, then fixed for list of values challenge

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  1. #1
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    Random number generated, then fixed for list of values challenge

    Hi all, I've a number of problems to solve for and am testing with random numbers as that's what I'll have to actually work with however, once the first random number is generated, I need to fix the number and run the rule on the next line from the (now) fixed first value, again with a random number for line two.

    The idea is to test a trading strategy where all lines represent a new trade and we start with the balance from the previous trade which is why each time a random number is generated to represent the trade strategy, it needs to be locked so the next line is not suddenly changed.

    The inputs are:

    Starting balance and finish balance
    The market price (random each time a trade is generated)
    Value of trade - decided by rules, but any numbers can be used even $10 a trade to represent a transaction.

    This is little more that an idea right now and I would value any support on how to generate a line item and then fix it. Maybe a macro and a button to generate as many line items as I specify and run a rule for all data. I have no experience with macros or VBA..

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Naveed Raza's Avatar
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    Re: Random number generated, then fixed for list of values challenge

    some thing like this

    Sub Generate_random_Nbrs()
    Dim Sht As Worksheet: Set Sht = Sheets("Sheet1")
    frn = InputBox("Please Enter First Number to Fix", "First Random Nbr")
    With Sht
        .Range("A2:A" & .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).ClearContents
        .Range("A2").Value = frn
        lrn = InputBox("Please Enter No.of Lines to generate Random Numbers(Should be Morethan 3)", "Random Nbrs")
        For i = 3 To lrn
            .Range("A" & i).Value = Int((999 - frn + 1) * Rnd + frn)
                'Result: random number between frn enter nbr and 999
    End With
    End Sub
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    Thanks - Naveed
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  3. #3
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    Re: Random number generated, then fixed for list of values challenge

    Wow that's really great thank you! I'll play with this later with some other data and see how it works out! Many thanks for your swift response.

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Naveed Raza's Avatar
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    Re: Random number generated, then fixed for list of values challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by smudgepost View Post
    Wow that's really great thank you! I'll play with this later with some other data and see how it works out! Many thanks for your swift response.
    Glad to help

    please mark thread as SOLVED if its resolve & Click on * Add Reputation to say thanks...

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