Hi, John,

thanks for the feedback.

A small alteration for the number of tries which might be of interest to you as well:

Sub ShowDataSheets()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Static lngTries As Long

Const cstrPW As String = "strangePW"
Const clngMAX As Long = 3

If InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the password", Title:="Enter password", Default:="enter password here") = cstrPW Then
  For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
  Next ws
  lngTries = lngTries + 1
  MsgBox "Sorry, wrong password", vbInformation, "Missed trie: " & lngTries & " of " & clngMAX & " tries"
  If lngTries = clngMAX Then ThisWorkbook.Close True
End If

End Sub