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VBA Login code (userform)

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    VBA Login code (userform)

    This is the codes i'm using for the user form i've created:

    Option Explicit Private Sub Login_Click() Dim user As Variant user = LoginPage.UserName.Value Dim pw As Variant pw = LoginPage.UserName.Value Dim try As Integer try = 0 Dim formula As String formula = "C" & WorksheetFunction.Match(user, Sheet2.Range(Cells(9, 2), Cells(18, 2)), 0) Dim successlogin As String successlogin = "Welcome back " & user & "! Your login will be recorded down." If try < 4 Then If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(WorksheetFunction.Indirect(Sheet2.Range(Cells(9, 2), Cells(18, 2))), pw) = 1 Then MsgBox (successlogin) Unload Me Else MsgBox ("Either your username or password is incorrect, please try again.") try = try + 1 End If Else MsgBox ("You have failed to enter the correct login key within 3 attempts. The file will now be closed.") Unload Me End If End Sub
    What i'm trying to do can be separated into different phase:

    Phase 1: Code the userform so that the UserName and password inputted can be matched with those in data pool and if it's matched, Login successful, or else, failed.

    Phase 2: Code to record down all the successful login into Sheet 2.

    Phase 3: Disable the [exit "x"] button of the login userform.

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    Last edited by alansidman; 10-16-2014 at 01:10 AM.

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