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Using a "Do Until" loop to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal

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    Using a "Do Until" loop to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal

    I am working on program that requires I use a Do-Until Loop to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal number. The following UDF makes Excel freeze up every time I run it, but it works great when I take out the do-until loop. Is there a better way to use a Do-Until Loop in this function?

    Function DecHexConverter(DecValue As String) As String
    Dim sTemp As String
    Do Until DecValue = ""
        If DecValue >= 16 Then
                'if greater than 16 then recall function
                sTemp = DecHexConverter(DecValue \ 16) & DecHexConverter(DecValue Mod 16)
        ElseIf DecValue > 9 And DecValue < 16 Then
                'if between 10 and 15 Assign A-F
                Select Case DecValue
                    Case "10"
                        sTemp = "A"
                    Case "11"
                        sTemp = "B"
                    Case "12"
                        sTemp = "C"
                    Case "13"
                        sTemp = "D"
                    Case "14"
                        sTemp = "E"
                    Case "15"
                        sTemp = "F"
                End Select
                'If between 0 and 9 no change
                sTemp = DecValue
        End If
        DecHexConverter = sTemp
    End Function
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 10-13-2014 at 01:44 PM. Reason: Added missing CODE tags. Please read and follow the Forum Rules, link above in the menu bar. Thanks.

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