I have 2 worksheet change events that happen on my worksheet.
One first - looks for duplicate choices and prevent the user form using them in column B
Second one - allows the user to combine multiple choices from a data list and separate them by "/"

The two code are separated by '********************* for your to distinguish them apart

Earlier they were both working but now when I choose the drop down and then go to add another multiple choice it does not combine the two it just has either one or the other. How to best get them working together.

The reason why I want to add this is I have 37 Different Independent choices in one Drop down and you could have any combination of 2,3,4,5 services running at any given time. There is no way to account for all the different combinations to have that be an choice already. I saw using Multiple choice with data validation but it did not show how to get 2 change events working together.

Any help would be great.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
' this prevents the user from using a duplicate dropdown choice on the Daily Chgs Tab

    Dim Match   As Range
    Dim Rng     As Range
    Dim RngBeg  As Range
    Dim RngEnd  As Range
    Dim x       As String
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then
        ' eliminates multiple cell selection, which would be typical if a whole row, or whole column, or a block of cells were selected for deletion
            If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
        ' ignores changes where the content of the target cell has been deleted
            If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
            Set RngBeg = Range("B11")
            Set RngEnd = Range("A:K").Find("TOTALS", , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, False, False, False)
            Set Rng = Range(RngBeg, Cells(RngEnd.Row - 1, RngBeg.Column)).Resize(ColumnSize:=5)
                Set Match = Rng.Find(Target.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, False, False, False)
                If Not Match Is Nothing Then
                    x = Match.Address
                    Set Match = Rng.FindNext(Match)
                    If Not Match Is Nothing Then
                        If Match.Address = x Then Exit Sub
                        Application.EnableEvents = False
                            Target.Value = Empty
                            MsgBox "Please make another selection. Duplicates are not allowed."
                        Application.EnableEvents = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
Dim rngDV As Range
Dim oldVal As String
Dim newVal As String
If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler

On Error Resume Next
Set rngDV = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
On Error GoTo exitHandler

If rngDV Is Nothing Then GoTo exitHandler

If Intersect(Target, rngDV) Is Nothing Then
   'do nothing
  Application.EnableEvents = False
  newVal = Target.Value
  oldVal = Target.Value
  Target.Value = newVal
    If oldVal = "" Then
      'do nothing
      If newVal = "" Then
      'do nothing
      Target.Value = oldVal _
        & "/" & newVal
      End If
    End If
End If

  Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub