I have tested this in both Excel 2010 and 2013 and the behavior is identical.
Please see attached Sample.xlsx workbook.
The workbook contains a list with headings on sheet 1. Note that column B is hidden and a filter is applied on data in col G.
Select a row of data, copy and paste it on another sheet. Data from the hidden col B is not copied over and pasted. In addition on the pasted version, column C data is now in column B, column D data is in column C...)
If you perform the same sequence to a separate workbook, all data is copied over, even the hidden column B data.
How can this be rectified?
I have a macro that copies data to a hidden sheet and users may have columns hidden on the source sheet. When the hidden data does not get pasted all my column references are now different and the macro errors out.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior?
Thanks for any help.