If you've pasted more than one cell, that code would be problematic. You need to add the ability for the code to "loop" through all the multiple pasted cells that intersect your watch range, like so:
Dim cell As Range, wsSheet As Worksheet
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$A$1:$O$100")) Is Nothing Then
For Each cell In Intersect(Target, Range("$A$1:$O$100"))
Sheets("Alt_Runsheet").Rows(CStr(cell.Row) & ":" & CStr(cell.Row)).EntireRow.Hidden = UCase(cell.Value) = "NO"
Sheets("Runsheet").Rows(CStr(cell.Row) & ":" & CStr(cell.Row)).EntireRow.Hidden = UCase(cell.Value) = "NO"
Sheets("Breakouts").Rows(CStr(cell.Row) & ":" & CStr(cell.Row)).EntireRow.Hidden = UCase(cell.Value) = "NO"
Next cell