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Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

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  1. #1
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    Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    I have ranges on a sheet

    If those Ranges are totally blank then I want it exit and not call module

    then if one of the ranges has a cell populated then it calls the module.

    Code i Have that calls the module now is

    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Call PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange
    End Sub
    what would I add to make it do what I would like.

  2. #2
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
         Dim TestRange as string
         TestRange = "B10:B19, B21:B30, B32:B39, B41:B48, B50:B57, B59:B66, B10:B19" 'Defines the range
              If WorksheetFunction.CountA(TestRange) < 0 Then 'Determines if the range has any cells that are NOT blank
                   Call PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange
              End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by mikeTRON; 10-07-2014 at 04:46 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    Sorry, one more addition could it clear contents out of the range on a tab "Job Ticket" the range is A10:N67 first then exit

    I am making changes as it works so I can see what need to be done next.

  4. #4
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
         Dim TestRange as string
    	 Dim ClearRange as string
         TestRange = "B10:B19, B21:B30, B32:B39, B41:B48, B50:B57, B59:B66, B10:B19" 'Defines the range
    	ClearRange = "A10:N67"
              If WorksheetFunction.CountA(TestRange) < 0 Then 'Determines if the range has any cells that are NOT blank
                   Call PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange
              End If
    	Sheets("Job Ticket").Range(ClearRange).Clear
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    I just noticed that I was not clear on my explanation.

    The Range that it is checking is on another sheet Named (Daily Chgs) that is where the range is located that it is checking for blanks and the range to clear contents are on the sheet Named "Job Ticket" Range A10:N67

  6. #6
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    You are correct. You are unclear. LOL

    You have lost me.

  7. #7
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    Let me start over... I tried to convert your code ..Not Successful

    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
         Dim TestRange As String
         Dim ClearRange As String
         TestRange = Sheets ("Daily Chgs").range."B10:B19, B21:B30, B32:B39, B41:B48, B50:B57, B59:B66, B10:B19" 'Defines the range
         ClearRange = "A10:N67"
              If WorksheetFunction.CountA(TestRange) < 0 Then 'Determines if the range has any cells that are NOT blank
            ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="Financial3"
                Sheets("Job Ticket").Range(ClearRange).Clear
            ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, Password:="Financial3"
              End If     
       Call PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange
    End Sub
    The range to check for the blanks is on the sheet "Daily Chgs"
    The sheet that I want the Contents cleared is "Job Ticket" Range A10:N67
    Sheet PW is Financial3

    when they activate the Sheet "Job Ticket" I want it to check and see if the ranges on the sheet "Daily Chgs" are Blank
    "B10:B19, B21:B30, B32:B39, B41:B48, B50:B57, B59:B66, B10:B19"

    If they are blank then I want it to clear the contents on the "Job Ticket" Range (A10:N67) and then exit sub

    If the checked range on the "Daily Chgs" tab is found not be blank then I want it to call Module "PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange"

    I hope this is better explanation

  8. #8
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    I would not use ActiveSheet, I would call it out explicitly as noted in the code below.

    I also added a ton of comments so you can understand what is going on.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
        'Declare variables
            Dim TestRange As String 'Used to define the range to check if blank
            Dim ClearRange As String 'Used to define the range that will be cleared
            Dim ClearTab As String 'used to define the name of the tab that needs the range to be cleared
            Dim TestValue As Long 'used to check if testrange is empty - if it is zero, then it is empty
            Dim PW As String 'used to define the password
            Dim WrkSht As String 'used to define the sheet to unprotect
        'Define Variables
            WrkSht = ActiveSheet.Name 'this defines the active sheet, but I would call it out specifically like the code commented out below
            'WrkSht = "WhateverSheet" <- example
            TestRange = "B10:B19, B21:B30, B32:B39, B41:B48, B50:B57, B59:B66, B10:B19" 'Defines the range
            ClearRange = "A10:N67"
            ClearTab = "Job Ticket"
            TestValue = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Daily Chgs").Range(TestRange)) 'COUNTA checks for any NONblank cells
            PW = "Financial3"
        'Test Logic
            If TestValue < 0 Then 'If any cells are NOT blank then
                Worksheets(WrkSht).Unprotect Password:=PW
                        Worksheets(WrkSht).Protect DrawingObjects:=True, _
                            Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, Password:=PW
                            'Exit Sub 'Do you want the sub to exit after this or go on to call the next procedure??
            End If
        ' Call procedure
            Call PopulatesJobTicket.NewDateRange
        'End Macro procedures
    End Sub

    You can make this code MUCH smaller, or less text, but when new I prefer to have more visibility into what exactly is going on.

    If you have any questions, let me know.

    Also check out this website so you can learn how to properly step through code and determine how to correct things.
    Last edited by mikeTRON; 10-07-2014 at 06:18 PM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    I will try it out when home thanks for the help

  10. #10
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    Re: Code to exit and not call module if certain ranges are blank

    I seems to be working good thank you...I will put it to the test tomorrow when i put the entire sheet through a trial run.

    Again thanks

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