
I am trying to filter a mass amount of exported data into separate excel worksheets to look at in more detail but wanted to split them depending on what is in one column.

I have the following code atm, which I have been using on a different speadsheet but it just is not working within this one.

Any help be appreciated, as I am still learning vba, I can't see the problems very easily.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

'Shift of Non Conformances

Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each cell In Target
    With cell
        Select Case cell.Column
            Case 17     'column Q changed

            If LCase(.Value) = "Non Conformance" Then
                    .EntireRow.Copy Worksheets("INC").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2, 1)
            ElseIf .Value = "OOS" Then
                    .EntireRow.Copy Worksheets("OOS").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2, 1)
              End If
        End Select
    End With
Next cell
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub