Hello All,
I am looking to parse a table of information and based on a search that I enter via a message box, I want to return all relevant data in a message box or a new spreadsheet. I wrote examples in the sheet
Thanks so much!
Hello All,
I am looking to parse a table of information and based on a search that I enter via a message box, I want to return all relevant data in a message box or a new spreadsheet. I wrote examples in the sheet
Thanks so much!
Hi, JDI,
did you have a look at the Advanced Filter where the criteria range could hold the information that you want to filter the data (and not use an InputBox as a MsgBox is solely to display meassages and not to grab information)?
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Please mark your question Solved if there has been offered a solution that works fine for you
Hi HaHoBe,
I am familiar with this advanced filter but it doesn't work like I have in mind. I have a main page (its like a form) When I type for example part # 12C16 and Cap value 1200 I want it to search the records and find the matches. Basically a search function that can match multiple inputs. Got anything for that?
Hi, JDI,
Which is what I may doubt as I think the Advanced Filter would suit better than any way of trying to set up inputboxes wherethe information would be needed to be separated and brought in form in order to meet your cvriteria. You could consider to use an UserForm where you may put in the data in order to evaluate.but it doesn't work like I have in mind.
Hi HaHoBe,
You are right in suggesting the advanced filter, I was wondering if that can be put into a macro were there is a search button, data would show up on a new sheet, the data to be parsed is hundreds of thousand of lines and columns. If I could do that I could make a new sheet where it pulls the data from the sorted data. I can show you my original if that would help, but I'll have to upload it somewhere else due to size.
Something like this?
Before clicking on the Green Button on the sheet, read the instructions in red that how to change the criteria and in which cells.
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Last edited by JDI; 10-06-2014 at 05:09 PM.
Hi, JDI,
just turn on the macro recorder when starting the Advanced Filter by hand will give you the basic sztructure of the code. Code is placed in Module1 in the VBE but should be slightly amended in order to make as few changes as possible for any adaptions:
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I think Holger has explained it very well.
The code is on Module 1. The name manager contains the criteria and the tables defined in the advanced filter. You can apply this concept to your original workbook, once you know how does an advanced filter work and once you know that, record a macro while using the advanced filter and assign this macro to a shape or a command button (as per your choice) to re-use it in future without using advanced filter again and again while you change the criteria.
Hope this helps.
Hi sktneer, I ran into a problem with the advanced filter.
I want to use it to return matches but if my data is like this
H1 A
H3 C
H4 D
and I search for
H3 C
H4 D
It returns nothing. I want to find matches to the criteria i am searching for and the data has blank cells. I'm not searching for a blank cell I just search for H3 and H4, can you help?
Last edited by JDI; 10-16-2014 at 12:26 PM.
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