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Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

  1. #1
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    Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

    I have a piece of code that I am unaware of. I want the code to check if the Roomnum.Value is already in 6 cells, then a MsgBox will appear. So, for example, if they write the number 30 in the Roomnum textbox and it occurs in the range of "C6:E38" 6 times already, then the msgbox will show. This is the code I have, and it works, but not the way I want to obviously.

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    This code works if you input a number over 6 then the msgbox will show. I am not sure how it should be written if the value occurs more than 6 times.

  2. #2
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    Re: Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

    Please re-read your post. I don't see the correlation of the number 30 with anything else (could it 30, 60, 8 million?: It doesn't seem to effect anything). I fear you have made a mistake in your post.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Olly's Avatar
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    Re: Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

    Something like:
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    let Source = #table({"Question","Thread", "User"},{{"Answered","Mark Solved", "Add Reputation"}}) in Source

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  4. #4
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    Re: Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

    Thank you Olly. It works perfectly.

  5. #5
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    Re: Checking range for a number from userform textbox more than 6 times

    stnkynts, 30 was just an example, so yes it could be anything, just as long as it doesn't occur 6 times within the range. Thanks for your help though.

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