Thanks Nate, it's not quite working yet. The attached file is a shorter version of the spreadsheet screen shot I sent, with two columns of goals and options. I replicated your other inner workings per the first example you sent. The employee columns are hiding/unhiding correctly. I also expanded the team roster to include a few placeholders.
The very first goal functions properly but everything past it remains hidden in the "Tasks" sheet. Could it be the empty row/cells that follow it are causing the problem? Also, please note that there are required Goals in red. These will have rows of tasks, always visible, and there is no pull-down menu of options for these required tasks. I hope this doesn't cause any hiccups.
I added some NOTES in the "Scorecard" code to explain what some of the other features are supposed to do.
If you can take a look through this hopefully the fix will be simple. I'm sure I'm missing something, probably elementary.
As far as the Hi Ho yodel thing, you're correct. I made it up...
I'm very grateful for your help. Thanks Nate. David