Here's ultimately my problem: the "Task" rows should stay hidden or revealed, depending on what "instructions" they receive from the "Goals" sheet worksheet change code. I've had problems with rows that were hidden being unhidden when sorting. My strategy was to try to re-trigger the worksheet change event (that initiates this hiding/unhiding)at the end of a series of macros, so that no matter what sorting of tasks (by person) only the correct tasks are ever revealed. It's almost like an issue of hierarchy: first the tasks must be established (hidden or not hidden). Then Only from those tasks that are not hidden can any hours be assigned. The hidden rows must always remain hidden (unless a different option is selected from the pull-down menu. In which case the hidden/unhidden rows auto-adjust). And, for what it's worth, the team member sorting should be only one person at a time OR the entire team. No two people's tasks (from the "unhidden" pool of tasks!) showing.

Does that help describe what I'm looking to achieve? If not please let me know. Thanks again Nate for your willingness to help. I truly appreciate it! David