Hi All,
We have 2 sheets and need to adjust sheet1 ACp pay by sheet 2 ACp pay.
1.Take the amount against the ACP name in sheet2(subtoal of ACPname-amount if can) and adjust the amount in sheet1 in " 2nd Rd adj column"
2.If column B(ACP name) in sheet2 is not availabe in sheet1,mark comment as "NA"
3.If Acp pay mentioned in sheet2 is fully adjusted with sheet1 fine.. if not try to adjust the amount partially and mark comment as "partially adjusted"
(Eg. in sheet2 subtotal of ACp pay is 10 for India but in sheet1 the total india's acp amount is 7,then adjust 7 in sheet1(2nd rd adj column) and mark the comment in sheet2 as ''PA'' against the item)
Kindly help me