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excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new file

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genetist excel macro to extract first... 09-29-2014, 02:30 AM
JBeaucaire Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 02:53 AM
genetist Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 03:06 AM
JBeaucaire Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 03:14 AM
genetist Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 04:34 AM
apo Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 05:49 AM
genetist Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 07:20 AM
apo Re: excel macro to extract... 09-29-2014, 09:24 AM
  1. #1
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    excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new file

    Hi to all VBA Programmers,

    I have some excel files having data and all the files have same column names like this.

    Individuals color Rank
    1 red 1
    2 blue 2
    3 green 3
    4 yellow 4
    5 orange 5
    6 blue 6
    7 green 7
    8 orange 8
    9 yellow 9
    10 green 10

    Now I want to extract top three individuals from all the files in a folders based on Rank column (Basically selecting top rank Individuals) and I want to create separate new file with all the selected top three individual lists. Is it possibile to do with macro? because doing it manually taking so much time to achving my target for doing more than 150 files. I need help to solve this problem. Any help would be highly aprreciated. please see the attched example file for better understanding and sheet what and how i am expecting.
    Thanks in advance,

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    So, what would the output look like for the first 3 workbooks opened?
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  3. #3
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    Dear JBeaucaire,

    thank you very for your reply. I want final file contains information like this from all the files in a folder because all files have same column headings.

    Individuals color Rank
    1 red 1
    2 blue 2
    3 green 3
    like I want to extract information like this from all the files of folder.


  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    So, after 3 files the output would be:

    Individuals 	color 	Rank
    1 		red 	1
    2 		blue 	2
    3 		green 	3
    Individuals 	color 	Rank
    1 		blue 	1
    2 		red 	2
    3 		green 	3
    Individuals 	color 	Rank
    1 		green 	1
    2 		blue 	2
    3 		red 	3

  5. #5
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    Dear JBeaucaire,

    Yes exactly the same i wish to want to have after


  6. #6
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    So is the Rank column (in each Workbook) already sorted to show the top 3 ranks at the top?

  7. #7
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi

    Yes Dear Apo like that only i want

  8. #8
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    Re: excel macro to extract first three rows of excel files from a folder and create new fi


    Try this.. change the strpath to suit..

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim x, w, i As Long, j As Long, jj As Long, cnt As Long, strpath As String
        ' Set Folder to Search
        strpath = "D:\Rank\"
        ' Put all .xls files found in folder (and subfolders) into an array
        x = Split(CreateObject("wscript.shell").exec("cmd /c Dir """ & strpath & "*.xls"" /s/b").stdout.readall, vbCrLf)
        ReDim w(1 To UBound(x) * 3)
        cnt = 1
        ' Loop though the array of .xls* files
        For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x) - 1
            ' Open each Workbook and build new array
            With GetObject(x(i))
                y = .Sheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Resize(3)
                 For j = 1 To 3
                    For jj = 1 To 3
                        w(cnt) = Trim(w(cnt) & " " & y(j, jj))
                    Next jj
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                Next j
            End With
        Next i
        ' Put data into Sheet1 of ThisWorkbook
        Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(x) * 3).Value = Application.Transpose(w)
        Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(x) * 3, 1).TextToColumns DataType:=xlDelimited, Space:=True
    End Sub
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