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How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

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  1. #1
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    How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    I am new to programming Excel and could use some help. I have read a few thing but not able to piece it together.

    I have a worksheet that has a list of values, say in Column A. I want to query a SQL database to see if that value exists in the database and if it does highlight the row for each row. Ideally it would do this after entering the number and moving to the next row. I could really use the help as I am at a loss on where to go. Do I do this in VBA, macro, ...?

    My sql statement in a macro looks like this.

    For each inv in Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row)
    sql = "Select 1 from table Where x= "& inv.value
    With ... <this part would highlight the appropriate row based on if the resultset returned anything for that row - Not really sure where to begin for this>
    End With
    next inv
    This is as far as I have been able to get to and not sure where to go from here. From what I understand this part works fine in getting the information from the DB, just not sure how to highlight the rows that have a returned value.


    If A had the following

    The query returns a 1 for 1154 and 1157 and NULL for 1155 and 1156. How would I now go about highlighting 1154 and 1157? I figure I could have the results enter the 1 in the given row in column B and have a highlighting rule but not sure how to do that either.

    I tried
    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Destination:=Range("B1:B" & Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row), Sql:=sqlstring).Refresh
     End With
    but it just enters the results to Row 2 starting in column B.

    Hope this all makes sense.
    Last edited by omakler; 09-25-2014 at 07:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    I think you'd be better off with:
    PHP Code: 
        SELECT x
            x in 
    This would return a recordset of simply the invoice ids(?) that are in the database. You can then just do a VLookup on your primary dataset. You only then need to do 1 query

  3. #3
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle123 View Post
    I think you'd be better off with:
    PHP Code: 
        SELECT x
            x in 
    This would return a recordset of simply the invoice ids(?) that are in the database. You can then just do a VLookup on your primary dataset. You only then need to do 1 query
    I agree that would be a possibility and less queries, but as I mentioned I am stuck at the aspect as well. I can get the results to print to the ActiveSheet but it is in 1 row not along a column, which would allow me to do a vLookup.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    That query should give you a list of numbers in a single column

    Vlookup works down a column , just return the first column. You could use match if you prefer though

  5. #5
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    You would think so yes, but it returns the results into a row not column as seen above.

  6. #6
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    Sub VerifyInvoices()
    ' Declare the QueryTable object
     Dim qt As QueryTable
     Dim i As Integer
    ' Set up the connection string, reference an ODBC connection
     ' There are several ways to do this
     ' Leave the name and password blank for NT authentication
     connstring = "ODBC;DSN=;UID=;PWD=;Database="
     i = 0
     ' Set up the SQL Statement
     For Each ce In Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
     sqlstring = "Select Distinct 1 from Trans (NOLOCK) Where uref = '" & ce.Value & "' "
     With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Destination:=Range("B1"), Sql:=sqlstring).Refresh
     End With
     i = i + 1
     Next ce
    End Sub
    Here is the code currently which gives the previous post result.

  7. #7
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    Of course it does because you're only returning a single record?

    Fields go across, records go down the sheet. Each time you are running the query it inserts a cell with the value in and moves the previous value across (I'm guessing)

    Try my way - you will end up with a list of numbers going straight down column B and only need to query the db once

  8. #8
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    How would I go about adding all row.values into the SQL? The numbers of values that I would need to add to the query could range from a few dozen to several hundred.

    THANK YOU for helping out. I don't do this normally so all pointers are appreciated

  9. #9
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    No problem at all

    All you need to do is keep adding the ids to the SQL string you build in your loop with commas between them. Once the loop has finished pass the SQL string to the query table.

    Try a hard coded SQL string first to see if it gives you the result you expect, then incorporate the loop afterwards.

  10. #10
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    Ok I go that working
    Sub VerifyInvoices()
    ' Declare the QueryTable object
     Dim qt As QueryTable
     Dim i As Integer
    ' Set up the connection string, reference an ODBC connection
     ' There are several ways to do this
     ' Leave the name and password blank for NT authentication
     connstring = "ODBC;DSN=;UID=;PWD=;Database="
     sqlstring = "Select uref, hperson, sTotalAMount from Trans (NOLOCK) Where uref in ("
     ' Set up the SQL Statement
     For Each ce In Range("G1:G" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
     sqlstring = sqlstring & "'" & ce.Value & "',"
     Next ce
     sqlstring = Left(sqlstring, Len(sqlstring) - 1) & ")"
     With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1"), Sql:=sqlstring)
     End With
    End Sub
    I tis returning the resultset to a new sheet starting in A1 and that is great. Now here is the caveat. The actual file may have the same number but a different value in column B and person in column C. How would I add this to the SQL so that it would look like
    Select x,y,z from table Where x=A1 and y=B1 and z=C1
    Then return that to the sheet correctly.

    The whole story is I have a list of invoices from vendors that I want to check against the database to see if I have already entered a similar invoice in the system before uploading a potential duplicate. Again THANKS!!!!!

  11. #11
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    I wouldn't, I'd just return all those columns and leave the query as it is. You can then do the matching in Excel, it simplifies things somewhat

  12. #12
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    I haven't looked yet but is there a way to embed the DSN connection and not allowing a user to access the information of the connection for viewing without a password?

  13. #13
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    Re: How to highlight a row based on a DB query result?

    Thanks for the help I think I have what I need and will just allow the connection to be how it is with a DSN file.

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