'// Regression parameter constants
Const bol_regress_const_is_0 As Boolean = False
Const bol_data_has_headers As Boolean = True
Const var_confid As Variant = True '// true menas 95% only, otherwise specify a confidence level.
Const bol_residuals As Boolean = True '// show residuals
Const bol_sresuiduals As Boolean = True '// show standardized residuals
Const bol_rplots As Boolean = False '// plot residuals
Const bol_lplots As Boolean = False '// Line fit plot (prediction vs. actual)
Const var_rountrng As Variant = False '//???? output range for ?? seems to have no effect.
Const bol_nplots As Boolean = False '// Normal probability plot of Ys cumulative vs. percentile + associated data
Const var_poutrng As Variant = False '// ???? output range for??
Sub test_regress()
Call run_regression_2("P5", "X5", "P6:P344", "X6:X344", "AY6")
End Sub
Private Sub run_regression_2(str_x_label As String, str_y_label As String, str_xs_rng As String, str_ys_rng As String, str_destination_range As String)
'//Sub that actually calls the regression function using constants stored above and passed parameters
'//Analysis toolpak must be loaded
Dim arr_ys() As Variant
Dim arr_xs() As Variant
Dim arr_new_ys() As Variant
Dim arr_new_xs() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim bol_blanks_in_row As Boolean
bol_blanks_in_row = False
arr_ys = Application.Union(ActiveSheet.Range(str_y_label), ActiveSheet.Range(str_ys_rng))
arr_xs = Application.Union(ActiveSheet.Range(str_x_label), ActiveSheet.Range(str_xs_rng))
'// Y array
'// filter rows containing blanks from array to new array.
ReDim arr_new_ys(LBound(arr_ys, 1) To UBound(arr_ys, 1), LBound(arr_ys, 2) To UBound(arr_ys, 2))
k = LBound(arr_ys, 1)
'// look through array
For i = LBound(arr_ys, 1) To UBound(arr_ys, 1)
'// if blank in row, set market
For j = LBound(arr_ys, 2) To UBound(arr_ys, 2)
If arr_ys(i, j) = "" Then
bol_blanks_in_row = True
End If
Next j
'// If market not set copy row to new array
If bol_blanks_in_row = False Then
'//Debug.Print "blanks in row"; i; "false"
For j = LBound(arr_ys, 2) To UBound(arr_ys, 2)
arr_new_ys(k, j) = arr_ys(i, j)
k = k + 1
Next j
End If
'// else ignore and reset market
bol_blanks_in_row = False
Next i
'// Can only redim preserve last dimension of an array, hence all transpose work. Also transpose will convert 1D array in 2D to a true 1D array.
arr_ys = Application.Transpose(arr_new_ys)
'// Check if arr_ys is 1D or not
If Array_No_Dims(arr_ys) = 1 Then
ReDim Preserve arr_ys(LBound(arr_ys) To k - 1)
arr_new_ys = Application.Transpose(arr_ys)
'// ReDim Preserve arr_new_ys(LBound(arr_new_ys) To UBound(arr_new_ys), 1 To 1)
ReDim Preserve arr_ys(LBound(arr_ys, 1) To UBound(arr_ys, 1), LBound(arr_ys, 2) To k - 1)
arr_new_ys = Application.Transpose(arr_ys)
End If
'//ReDim Preserve arr_new_ys(1 To 337, 1 To 1)
'//ReDim Preserve arr_new_ys(LBound(arr_ys, 1) To k - 1, LBound(arr_ys, 2) To UBound(arr_ys, 2))
'// X array
'// filter rows containing blanks from array to new array.
ReDim arr_new_xs(LBound(arr_xs, 1) To UBound(arr_xs, 1), LBound(arr_xs, 2) To UBound(arr_xs, 2))
k = LBound(arr_xs, 1)
'// look through array
For i = LBound(arr_xs, 1) To UBound(arr_xs, 1)
'// if blank in row, set market
For j = LBound(arr_xs, 2) To UBound(arr_xs, 2)
If arr_xs(i, j) = "" Then
bol_blanks_in_row = True
End If
Next j
'// If market not set copy row to new array
If bol_blanks_in_row = False Then
'//Debug.Print "blanks in row"; i; "false"
For j = LBound(arr_xs, 2) To UBound(arr_xs, 2)
arr_new_xs(k, j) = arr_xs(i, j)
k = k + 1
Next j
End If
'// else ignore and reset market
bol_blanks_in_row = False
Next i
'// Can only redim preserve last dimension of an array, hence all transpose work. Also transpose will convert 1D arrax in 2D to a true 1D array.
arr_xs = Application.Transpose(arr_new_xs)
'// Check if arr_xs is 1D or not
If Array_No_Dims(arr_xs) = 1 Then
ReDim Preserve arr_xs(LBound(arr_xs) To k - 1)
arr_new_xs = Application.Transpose(arr_xs)
'// ReDim Preserve arr_new_xs(LBound(arr_new_xs) To UBound(arr_new_xs), 1 To 1)
ReDim Preserve arr_xs(LBound(arr_xs, 1) To UBound(arr_xs, 1), LBound(arr_xs, 2) To k - 1)
arr_new_xs = Application.Transpose(arr_xs)
End If
'//ReDim Preserve arr_new_ys(1 To 337, 1 To 1)
'//ReDim Preserve arr_new_ys(LBound(arr_ys, 1) To k - 1, LBound(arr_ys, 2) To UBound(arr_ys, 2))
'// Regression parameters
'// regress(ys,xs,
'// constant,labels,confid,soutrng,
'// residuals,sresuiduals,rplots,lplots,rountrng,nplots,poutrng)
Call regress(arr_ys, _
arr_xs, _
False, True, False, ActiveSheet.Range(str_destination_range) _
, bol_residuals, bol_sresuiduals, bol_rplots, bol_lplots, var_rountrng, bol_nplots, var_poutrng)
'Application.Run "regress", Application.Union(ActiveSheet.Range(str_y_label), ActiveSheet.Range(str_ys_rng)), _
Application.Union(ActiveSheet.Range(str_x_label), ActiveSheet.Range(str_xs_rng)), _
False, True, False, ActiveSheet.Range(str_destination_range) _
, bol_residuals, bol_sresuiduals, bol_rplots, bol_lplots, var_rountrng, bol_nplots, var_poutrng
'// Call [ATPVBAEN.XLAM].regress()
End Sub
Private Function Array_No_Dims(arr_target()) As Integer
Dim int_dim_num As Integer
Dim errorcheck As Variant
On Error GoTo FinalDimension
'//Visual Basic for Applications arrays can have up to 60000 dimensions; this allows for that.
For int_dim_num = 1 To 60000
'//It is necessary to do something with the LBound to force it to generate an error.
errorcheck = LBound(arr_target, int_dim_num)
Next int_dim_num
Exit Function
'// The error routine.
If int_dim_num - 1 < 1 Then '// array cant have less than 1 dimension, will jump here.
Array_No_Dims = 1
Array_No_Dims = int_dim_num - 1 '// number of dimensions in array
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function