Hi All,

I'm curious if anyone can assist with helping me.

I have a worksheet that has a range of cells merged within it. When using the protect sheet button under the review tab, I can protect the whole sheet but can't deactivate certain cells for individuals to edit, due to merged cells. The lock cell button isn't selectable either. If anyone could help with creating a macro to complete this, that would be excellent.

Under sheet 1 - Called Tom

I require protecting all columns except F,H,I,J,K,L,N up to row 2681

Under sheet 2 - Called John

I require protecting all columns except F,H,I,J,K,L,N up to row 3392

Under sheet 3 - Called Peter

I require protecting all columns except F,H,I,J,K,L,N up to row 365

Can anyone provide any support in me achieving this? I would upload the workbook but it is a quiet large file.

Kind Regards,
