Good evening guys. I spent a lot of time working on an Excel Report that generates Installation Cards based on counting the rows in the schedule (which is an output from a Design Application) and creating individual sheets with the specific data from each row. However, today the guys asked that it should instead generate 2 different templates based on values in Column L or R, and in cases where both are completed, to generate both the cards. Currently, I was thinking a simple IF selection could do the trick, but I am not sure where exactly to start it from. The code for a single template looks as follows:
Sub GenerateTerminationCard()
'To check sheet existance
Dim bExists As Boolean
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
If Worksheets(i).Name = "7" Then
bExists = True
End If
Next i
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("b8").Value = "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("b7", ActiveSheet.Range("b7").End(xlDown)).Select
End If
Dim dNoOfTags As Double
dNoOfTags = Selection.CountLarge
ActiveSheet.Range("b" & dNoOfTags + 7, ActiveSheet.Range("b" & dNoOfTags + 7).End(xlDown)).EntireRow.Delete
Dim nSelectedCells() As Integer
ReDim nSelectedCells(dNoOfTags) As Integer
For i = 1 To dNoOfTags
nSelectedCells(i) = i
If bExists = False Then
'Copying Termination Card sheets and rename
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Termination Card").Visible = True
For i = 1 To dNoOfTags
Sheets("Termination Card").Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = (i + 6)
'Copying Cells from Sheet1 to Termination Cards
For i = 7 To (dNoOfTags + 6)
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & i).Copy
Worksheets("" & i & "").Select
Worksheets("" & i & "").Range("A8").Select
Worksheets("" & i & "").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
Worksheets("" & i & "").Range("A35").Select
Worksheets("" & i & "").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
Worksheets("" & i & "").Range("D54").Select
Worksheets("" & i & "").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
'Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("X" & i).Copy
'Worksheets("" & i & "").Select
'Worksheets("" & i & "").Range("F8").Select
'Worksheets("" & i & "").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
'there are a lot more rows being copied but I removed for now
Sheets("Termination Card").Visible = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For i = 7 To dNoOfTags + 6
Sheets("" & i & "").Select
Next i
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
I have already created the necessary Templates as sheets (named "Termination Card FROM" and "Termination Card TO" respectively).
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.