Hello all,
I am trying to help my wife. She runs a large retail outlet, and they are currently redesigning their stockroom. To simplify things, I suggested that she only replace, onto the sale floor, what was sold the previous day. In order to determine the total number of items she should routinely stock on the sales floor, it is necessary to determine, per day of the week, what her average sales were. Now, she has a large number of different items and, obviously, not all of them generate a daily sale. She has an inventory program that supports .csv exports. I would like to perform manual searches (generating reports) for the last 10 Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. and have those exported individually as .csv files. Then, I would like to compile each day of the week to generate a Monday (then Tuesday and Wednesday etc) report documenting each item that was sold and tabulating the total number of a particular item sold. So if on the first Monday, she sold 50 black jeans and 30 blue jeans, then on the second she sold 15 and 25, I want the report to show 65 black jeans and 55 blue jeans. When I get my totals, I can simply divide by 10 to determine the daily average sold for that day for each item.
I'm guessing that I could get vba to do this. I have seen where multiple .csv files can be combined into a single file.....but then I want that single file to calculate totals for each item, likely on a second worksheet. I'm hoping that I make some sense here.