This is my first post ever in a forum. I am using Excel 2013. I have customer data in a few rows and columns which repeat every 10 lines. I would to have that data transposed to a new sheet with only one row per record. I know that this can be done with a macro instead of moving every cell individually as I have 1300 lines to go through. I am new to macros but have a basic understanding of vba.
The data is as follows (for example) with empty or not needed info in between relevant information.
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Row 1 Customer : JUL01Q ZIP Code: 1A2 C3D
Row 2 Title :
Row 3 Name : Julz design
Row 4 :
Row 5 Address : 123 Avenue A
Row 6 :
Row 7 City : Montreal
Row 8 : QC
Row 9 Country : CA Canada
Row 10 Area : QC01
Row 11 Customer : JUL02Q
I would like it to look like this instead
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H
Row 1 (header) Customer Name Address City Province/State Country Zip code Area
Row 2 JUL01Q Julz Design 123 Avenue A Montreal QC CA 1A2 C3D QC01
and so on.
Please accept my apologies in advance if I am not following all the rules of posting as well as my thanks for any help you send my way.