Fantastic job on describing your needs. I wish more people were able to describe their situation in such an understandable way such as you.
Below is the code that you asked for, but we need to make one small, and easy, change to your workbook. Your "Button 27" on the WIN sheet is a "Form Control" type command button. This button type needs to be removed and an "ActiveX" type command button needs to be used instead. You can find the ActiveX command button insert option in the same location as you did when you inserted a Form Control button. This new ActiveX command button should be called CommandButton1. With DesignMode active you should be able to right click on the new button and go to view code. Put this code there:
After you do that, put this code in it's own independent module (it looks like you already have 2 modules, just add a third)
Once you have done this. Deselect DesignMode and click the activex button. You should now be able to do this on each newly created sheet with no issues.
Note: This will only go up to WIN10. If you need more than that let me know and I can amend the code.