This may be an easy one of many of you. But I have a spreadsheet where in column "D" I have a cost center (alphanumeric),
Column D is the cost center currently showing for a given individual. In column "E" is a listing of all the potential cost centers
that person may use. (For example, column D could have AB1122334455 and column E would contain AB1122334454,
AB1122334455, AB1122334456 and AB1122334457. How can I do a form of a VLOOKUP where if the data in column D is
found anywhere among the data in column E, then column F would return a value of No Change Required?

Supervisor Worker ID Worker "Current Cost Center" "Correct Cost Center" Change Required?
Khan, Genghis EMP000001 McCartney, Paul AB1122334455 AB1122334454, AB1122334455, AB1122334456, AB1122334457
Khan, Genghis EMP000002 Lennon, John AB1122334455 AB1122334454, AB1122334455, AB1122334456, AB1122334457
Khan, Genghis EMP000003 Starr, Ringo AB1122334455 AB1122334454, AB1122334455, AB1122334456, AB1122334457
Khan, Genghis EMP000004 Harrision, George AB1122334455 AB1122334454, AB1122334455, AB1122334456, AB1122334457
Lee, Bruce EMP000005 Timberlake, Justin AB1122334456 CD1122334464, CD1122334465, CD1122334466, CD1122334467
Lee, Bruce EMP000006 Chasaz, JC AB1122334456 CD1122334464, CD1122334465, CD1122334466, CD1122334467
Lee, Bruce EMP000007 Bass, Lance AB1122334456 CD1122334464, CD1122334465, CD1122334466, CD1122334467
Lee, Bruce EMP000008 Fatone, Joey AB1122334456 CD1122334464, CD1122334465, CD1122334466, CD1122334467
Lee, Bruce EMP000009 Kirkpatrick, Kirk AB1122334456 CD1122334464, CD1122334465, CD1122334466, CD1122334467