I need to dynamically create a sub for CB's 1 to ??. I have a sub to create the boxes, I want to make a click sub for each box to call a handler with reference to the cell position the check box is in.

I know I have read a similar solution, but after searching for longer than is practical, I'll ask what's the magic words to create a sub.

Sub Add_CheckBox(rw)

    Const xCheckBoxHeight = 12
    Const xCheckBoxWidth = 12

    Dim r As Range
    Dim xHeight As Double
    Dim xLeft As Double
    Dim xTop As Double
    Dim xWidth As Double
    Dim cl As Integer

    For cl = 9 To 17 Step 2
        Set r = Range(Cells(rw, cl).Address)
  'Get the dimensions of the active cell
        xHeight = r.Height
        xLeft = r.Left
        xTop = r.Top
        xWidth = r.Width

  'Calculate starting point for the new 'Active X Check Box'
        xLeft = xLeft + (xWidth - xCheckBoxWidth) / 2#
        xTop = xTop + (xHeight - xCheckBoxHeight) / 2#

  'Add the 'Active X' Check Box
  'Link the 'Check Box' to the underlying Cell
        With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", _
            Left:=xLeft, _
            Top:=xTop, _
            Width:=xCheckBoxWidth, _
            .Object.Caption = ""
            .LinkedCell = r.Address
            .Object.Value = False
        End With
  'Hide the contents of the Underlying Cell
  r.NumberFormat = ";;;"
  Next cl

End Sub
Thanks in advance.