I am Googled and Forum searched out! Most likely there is a simple explanation for this, but I have yet to find it.
How to put in words....I have a worksheet change event on a particular cell. If that cell changes then a sub is called
to "do something." If the cell = a specified name, another sub is called to display a first msgbox, and depending on
the response (Yes or No) either of 2 msgboxes are displayed. Let's say if "Yes" is clicked, msgbox 2 is displayed,
to which OK is clicked. On the other hand if "No" is clicked on the first msgbox, msgbox 3 is displayed, to which
OK is also clicked. The problem is if I answer "Yes" on the 1st msgbox, and OK on the 2nd msg box, they repeat.
That is, I see msgbox 1 again, and I click "Yes" again, but this time when msgbox 2 appears and I click OK, this
time it disappears like it should. The same thing happens if "No" is selected on the 1st msgbox. I think(?) it has to
do with the worksheet change event? There are supposed fixes - Application.??? = false/true - forgot the second
term, but that didn't work. I guess it would help to post the code - Any assistance would be most, most appreciated,
since I at wits end trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thank you all in Advance!!! It is the sub - CheckForLead
that is giving me fits! Sgt. Rock!!
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