Most appreciate CoolBlue!!!
Have never heard of debug.print - will Google
Do about the Immediate window though
Most appreciate CoolBlue!!!
Have never heard of debug.print - will Google
Do about the Immediate window though
After everyone's assistance I feel it only fitting to post the VBA code that works. An associate was able to steer me
in the right direction. I almost had it. Again the issue was with a "worksheet change event" and having a "second event"
on the same cell to test. 1st event, is clear a column in a Table once cell C4 is changed to a new chemical.
2nd event is if cell C4 = Lead then give some msgboxes stating various issues with Lead. You can "see" the messages
in the code below. Hopefully this code may be of some use for someone to use in a "look-a-like" situation?
Best wishes to the Forum and their helpfulness!!
Sgt Rock (Mort in Dallas)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'This line of code clears the Activity column once a new chemical is selected from the select chemical drop down If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Worksheet.Range("C4")) Is Nothing Then With Worksheets("Threshold").ListObjects("ThresholdInputTable").ListColumns("ActivityTRIChemical") .DataBodyRange.ClearContents End With 'If Lead is selected as the chemical whose threshold needs to be calculated 'Warn the user that threshold could be the original 25,000 lbs/yr - 10,000 lbs/year (if contained in certain metals) 'Or that the lower 100 lbs/year PBT thrshold might apply If Range("C4").Value = "Lead" Then Dim myTitle As String Dim MyMsg As String Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult If Worksheets("Threshold").Range("C4").Value = "Lead" Then myTitle = "Qualify Lead & Lead Compounds" MyMsg = "Is the lead contained in stainless steel, brass, or bronze alloy?" Response = MsgBox(MyMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, myTitle) If Response = vbYes Then MsgBox "The normal thresholds of 25,000 pounds (Mfg,Proc) or 10,000 pounds (OWU) apply" Exit Sub End If If Response = vbNo Then MsgBox "The PBT 100 pound theshold applies to lead in all activities" Exit Sub End If End If End If End If End Sub
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