I am going nuts on this and it has to be something stupid.:
Worksheets(sSup).Range(sIRcol & Range(sAddress).Row + 1).Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & sIRcol & "2:" _
& sIRcol & Range(sAddress).Row & ",=Yes)"
If I break it back to using COUNTA instead
Worksheets(sSup).Range(sIDCol & Range(sAddress).Row + 1).Formula = "=COUNTA(" & sIDCol & "2:" _
& sIDCol & Range(sAddress).Row & ")"
and trim off the
it operates just as a COUNTA should, so I can not understand it! (I have verified that the variables when changed over to the COUNTIF example do have valid information).
sSup = string name of a tab
sIRcol = string name of a columne, such as "I"
sAddress = string of an address, such as "I36"
What have I done???
Many thanks, frustration has gotten the better of me so I am probably not thinking straight...