it's because you have "July" in B1. My understanding was that you have Month index i.e. 7.
add this to your module
Private Function MonthIndex(strMonth As String) As Variant
Select Case LCase(strMonth)
Case "january"
MonthIndex = 1
Case "february"
MonthIndex = 2
Case "march"
MonthIndex = 3
Case "april"
MonthIndex = 4
Case "may"
MonthIndex = 5
Case "june"
MonthIndex = 6
Case "july"
MonthIndex = 7
Case "august"
MonthIndex = 8
Case "september"
MonthIndex = 9
Case "october"
MonthIndex = 10
Case "november"
MonthIndex = 11
Case "december"
MonthIndex = 12
Case Else
MonthIndex = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End Select
End Function
Amend your code as follows:
Dim Month As Integer
Dim Year As Integer
Dim EndDate As Date
Month = MonthIndex(Range("B1").Value) '7
Year = Range("D1").Value '2014
EndDate = WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(DateSerial(Year, Month, 1), 0)