I am trying to use an INDEX:MATCH formula as a criteria in a SUMIFS formula.
=SUMIFS(DE_Subtotal,DE_Date,(INDEX(Report_DateRef,MATCH('Monthly Report'!$B$3,Report_Month,0))),DE_Date,(INDEX(Report_DateRef2,MATCH('Monthly Report'!$B$3,Report_Month,0))),DE_Line,'Monthly Report'!$B$5)
As you can see two of the criteria (the problem ones) are INDEX:MATCH formulas to look up a value. However, the complication is that the lookup value contains a formula itself- the values are a variation on this: ">="&DATE(2014,1,1) contained within another cell.
If I replace the index:match formula with the values (">="&DATE(2014,1,1)) the formula works, so it is just a problem with inseerting it using INDEX:MATCH
Is this possible, any ideas for a way to work around it?