I have a worksheet that looks for empty cells when they try to run a macro. If a cell is empty it returns a message that it need to filled in before you can proceed. How can I get each Cell address to return what the cell represents in message.

Message now" Cell $j$11 must be filled in before sending...

Looking for: PRJ to Bit must be filled in before sending...

Cell j11 = PRJ to Bit (once filled in)

Can you assign each cell to a Description and have that returned instead of the cell address

How can I get this to happen
Sub Blanks()
 Dim cell As Range
 Dim arr, i As Long
 arr = [{"F12", "J10:N11", "N13:M16", "F14:F16","H14:H16","f18:n25","f26:n27","f28","h28","j28","l28:l32","n28:n32","f45:n46"}]
 For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
    For Each cell In Range(arr(i))
        If cell.Value = "" Then
            MsgBox "Cell " & cell.Address & " must be filled in before sending."
            Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub