Apo: The objective of the program is to pull information from named cells in many similar workbooks and place it on a worksheet, without having to open the workbooks and copy/paste the info.
nathansav: You were right to question the formula, my code now works.
For some reason when a filepath contains an appostrophe - ' - then it has to be replaced with two apostrophes - '' [NOT "] - when using the file calling technique employed here. e.g. HMO's becomes HMO''s. Does anyone know the reason for this out of interest??
Note: I am calling the files from a mapped network drive, not a local one on the computer.
Also I had to remove the square brackets and didnt need to include the sheet name. For reference my new code is below:
Dim MyData(1 To 35) As String
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("B" & i).Value
FileName = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A" & i).Value
JustPath = Left(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "\"))
JustPathNew = Replace(JustPath, "HMO's", "HMO''s") '<<Adds the apostrophe (')
MyData(1) = "='" & JustPathNew & FileName & "'!CellName" '<<Altered, problem was actually here
MyData(2) = "='" & JustPathNew & FileName & "'!AnotherCellName" '<<Altered, problem was actually here
For j = 1 To 35
'link to worksheet
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(4).Range("B" & j)
.Formula = MyData(j) '<<No longer error 1004
'convert formula to text
.Value = .Value
End With