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How to loop through VBA defined variables

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killpaddy How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 05:12 AM
nathansav Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 06:13 AM
killpaddy Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 06:28 AM
nathansav Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 07:06 AM
killpaddy Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 07:22 AM
nathansav Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 07:25 AM
apo Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 09:18 AM
killpaddy Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 09:53 AM
apo Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 10:04 AM
nathansav Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 10:07 AM
killpaddy Re: How to loop through VBA... 08-27-2014, 10:24 AM
  1. #1
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    How to loop through VBA defined variables


    I have defined a set of variables 'mydata1', 'mydata2' ... 'mydata35' using the value of a named cell in a closed sheet

    I would then like to loop through these variables to complete a repetative bit of code, think it should be possible, but im not sure how?

    My code is below, any questions then just ask, thanks.

    For i = 1 to 10
        FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("B" & i).Value    'file paths and names are printed on worksheet 2 already
        FileName = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A" & i).Value
        JustPath = Left(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "\"))    
        '''data location & range to copy
        mydata1 = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!" & "NamedCell"
        mydata2 = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!" & "AnotherNamedCell"
        'etc. etc.
        For j = 1 to 35
            '''link to worksheet
            With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(i,j)  'I dont want to write out this with loop 35 times
                .Formula = mydata & j                             '<<<<< this is the bit im not sure about
                '''convert formula to text
                .Value = .Value
            End With

  2. #2
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    You cant reference it like that, you can put them in an array MyData(j) will then work, that will give you a blank variable concatenated with J, so just a number.
    Hope this helps

    Sometimes its best to start at the beginning and learn VBA & Excel.

    Please dont ask me to do your work for you, I learnt from Reading books, Recording, F1 and Google and like having all of this knowledge in my head for the next time i wish to do it, or wish to tweak it.
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  3. #3
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    Yeah, I didnt think so, was just to illustrate.

    How would I go about using an array in this example, I've not had any experience using them (been meaning to learn

  4. #4
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    Google them, pretty much what you have, but it would be MyData(1)="Nathan", myData(2)="Is Brill"

  5. #5
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    I have successfully defined an array and populated it, however Im getting an error when trying to call the value from the array.

    Dim MyData(1 To 35) As String
    'code in between
        MyData(1) = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!CellName"
        MyData(2) = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!AnotherCellName"
        For j = 1 To 35
            'link to worksheet
            With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(4).Range("B" & j)
                .Formula = MyData(j)       '<<<< Run time error 1004 here 'application defined or object defined error'
                'convert formula to text
                .Value = .Value
            End With

  6. #6
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    Is the formula right?

  7. #7
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables


    What are you ultimately trying to do..?

    If you post some more details.. (a sample Workbook would be good). perhaps we can help you make it more efficient..

  8. #8
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    Apo: The objective of the program is to pull information from named cells in many similar workbooks and place it on a worksheet, without having to open the workbooks and copy/paste the info.

    nathansav: You were right to question the formula, my code now works.

    For some reason when a filepath contains an appostrophe - ' - then it has to be replaced with two apostrophes - '' [NOT "] - when using the file calling technique employed here. e.g. HMO's becomes HMO''s. Does anyone know the reason for this out of interest??

    Note: I am calling the files from a mapped network drive, not a local one on the computer.

    Also I had to remove the square brackets and didnt need to include the sheet name. For reference my new code is below:

    Dim MyData(1 To 35) As String
    FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("B" & i).Value
    FileName = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A" & i).Value
    JustPath = Left(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "\"))
    JustPathNew = Replace(JustPath, "HMO's", "HMO''s")                '<<Adds the apostrophe (') 
    MyData(1) = "='" & JustPathNew & FileName & "'!CellName"          '<<Altered, problem was actually here
    MyData(2) = "='" & JustPathNew & FileName & "'!AnotherCellName"   '<<Altered, problem was actually here
    For j = 1 To 35
        'link to worksheet
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(4).Range("B" & j)
            .Formula = MyData(j)       '<<No longer error 1004
            'convert formula to text
            .Value = .Value
        End With

  9. #9
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables


    Just out of interest.. do you have 34 more lines similar to this:

    MyData(1) = "='" & JustPathNew & FileName & "'!CellName"
    I mean.. are you populating the MyData array via 35 lines of code or using a loop etc?

  10. #10
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    doubling them up stops their original purpose, so ""nathan"" will show as "nathan" but the extra " is used so its still a string.

    so your 's are used in file links etc

  11. #11
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    Re: How to loop through VBA defined variables

    apo: Yes there are another 34 lines of similar code. Each element in the MyData array is populated with the value of a certain cell name. These cells sometimes change position in the different workbooks being read and are not in a list (hence they are named for reference) so I cant think of an alternative to cycle through and populate the array with a loop. Any Ideas.

    nathansav: Ah ok, makes sense now

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