
I have defined a set of variables 'mydata1', 'mydata2' ... 'mydata35' using the value of a named cell in a closed sheet

I would then like to loop through these variables to complete a repetative bit of code, think it should be possible, but im not sure how?

My code is below, any questions then just ask, thanks.

For i = 1 to 10
    FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("B" & i).Value    'file paths and names are printed on worksheet 2 already
    FileName = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A" & i).Value
    JustPath = Left(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "\"))    
    '''data location & range to copy
    mydata1 = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!" & "NamedCell"
    mydata2 = "='" & JustPath & "[" & FileName & "]Sheet1'!" & "AnotherNamedCell"
    'etc. etc.

    For j = 1 to 35
        '''link to worksheet
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(i,j)  'I dont want to write out this with loop 35 times
            .Formula = mydata & j                             '<<<<< this is the bit im not sure about
            '''convert formula to text
            .Value = .Value
        End With