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Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

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Kramxel Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 06:42 AM
LJMetzger Re: Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 08:06 AM
Kramxel Re: Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 08:19 AM
LJMetzger Re: Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 09:06 AM
Kramxel Re: Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 11:51 AM
LJMetzger Re: Conditionally Hide or... 08-26-2014, 12:19 PM
  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2003 Excel 2007

    Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

    I have a workbook with multiple sheets, the sheets will be labels 18.08.14 , 25.08.14 etc.

    I have an activex Command button that will once pressed run code to send a section of the sheet as an email to a group of people. I need to disable this button when we're no longer in this period. i.e. if todays date is greater greater than 7 days from the sheet name either disable or hide the button.

    Thank you for any advice or help, in advance.
    Last edited by Kramxel; 08-26-2014 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

    Hi Kramxel,

    Try the attached workbook (tested using Excel 2003). Please note that I have had problems in the past moving ActiveX controls between Excel Versions. If the sample workbook doesn't work, please delete the Active X Buttons and replace them with new Active X 'CommandButton1' and 'CommandButton2' before giving up and thinking that the code doesn't work.

    ThisWorkbook Code:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
      'The CommandButtons are disabled/hidden by the 'Worksheet_Activate()' command, which is triggered when
      'focus moves to a DIFFERENT Sheet.  'Worksheet_Activate()' is NOT TRIGGERED on the first sheet the
      'Workbook is open to.
      'Set the focus on the LAST SHEET
      'Set the focus on the FIRST SHEET to trigger 'Worksheet_Activate()'
    End Sub
    Sheet Code (on every sheet):
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      MsgBox "Active X CommandButton1 has been clicked on Sheet '" & ActiveSheet.Name & "'."
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
      MsgBox "Active X CommandButton2 has been clicked on Sheet '" & ActiveSheet.Name & "'."
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
      Call EnableDisplayOrHideActiveXCommandButtonsOnActiveSheet
    End Sub
    Ordinary Module Code (e.g. Module1):
    Option Explicit
    Sub EnableActiveXCommandButtonsOnActiveSheet()
      'This is used in software development to display and activate Active X CommandButtons
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Visible = True
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Enabled = True
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton2").Visible = True
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton2").Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Sub EnableDisplayOrHideActiveXCommandButtonsOnActiveSheet()
      'This disables or hides CommandButtons when the date on the Sheet Name is more than 7 days away from today's date
      'Sheet Name format wcdd.mm.yy
      'e.g. if date on Sheet is September 1, then the CommandButtons will be disabled/hidden on or after September 9
      Dim mySheetDate As Date
      Dim iDayOfMonth As Integer
      Dim iMonth As Integer
      Dim iYear As Integer
      Dim iDeltaDays As Long
      Dim sDayOfMonth As String
      Dim sMonth As String
      Dim sSheetName As String
      Dim sYear As String
      'Get the Name of the Active Sheet
      sSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
      'Exit if the name of the Sheet is too short or too long
      If Len(sSheetName) <> Len("wcdd.mm.yy") Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      'Get the date from the sheet
      'Get the month, day, and year as strings
      sDayOfMonth = Mid(sSheetName, 3, 2)
      sMonth = Mid(sSheetName, 6, 2)
      sYear = Mid(sSheetName, 9, 2)
      'Exit if the month, day, or year is not a number
      If Not IsNumeric(sDayOfMonth) Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      If Not IsNumeric(sMonth) Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      If Not IsNumeric(sYear) Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      'Convert the strings to numbers
      iDayOfMonth = Int(sDayOfMonth)
      iMonth = Int(sMonth)
      iYear = Int(sYear) + 2000
      'Create the Sheet Date
      mySheetDate = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDayOfMonth)
      'Find the number of days between the Sheet Date and today
      iDeltaDays = Date - mySheetDate
      'Debug.Print "ideltadays = " & iDeltaDays
      'Process CommandButton1
      'Make CommandButton Visible
      'Enable CommandButton
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Visible = True
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Enabled = True
      'Disable or Hide the CommandButton when the number of days is greater than or equal to 8
      If iDeltaDays >= 8 Then
        'Disable CommandButton
        ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Enabled = False
      End If
      'Process CommandButton2
      'Make CommandButton Visible
      'Enable CommandButton
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton2").Visible = True
      ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton2").Enabled = True
      'Disable or Hide the CommandButton when the number of days is greater than or equal to 8
      If iDeltaDays >= 8 Then
        'Disable CommandButton
        ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton2").Visible = False
      End If
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.


    Thank you for this.

    I think I've got it working, however for some reason Sheets(1).Select on the open workbook sub is throwing an error (run-time error 1004, application-defined or object-defined error), if i change it it sheets(2).select it works fine.
    Last edited by Kramxel; 08-26-2014 at 08:57 AM. Reason: I was being an idiot.

  4. #4
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    Re: Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

    It's a known feature (which I just discovered) that Excel occasionally behaves in the manner you described (Runtime Error 1004 for a select or activate) during 'Workbook_Open().

    Try the attached file which implements the following changes:

    ThisWorkbook Module:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
      'The CommandButtons are disabled/hidden by the 'Worksheet_Activate()' command, which is triggered when
      'focus moves to a DIFFERENT Sheet.  'Worksheet_Activate()' is NOT TRIGGERED on the first sheet the
      'Workbook is open to.
      'The following code was moved to an ordinary code module to prevent Runtime Error 1004 at 'Workbook_Open()'
      'Set the focus on the LAST SHEET
      'Set the focus on the FIRST SHEET to trigger 'Worksheet_Activate()'
      Application.OnTime Now(), "RealWorkbookOpenEvent"
    End Sub
    Ordinary Code Module (the following was added):
    Sub RealWorkbookOpenEvent()
      'This is used to prevent Runtime Error 1004 in 'Workbook_Open()'
      'The CommandButtons are disabled/hidden by the 'Worksheet_Activate()' command, which is triggered when
      'focus moves to a DIFFERENT Sheet.  'Worksheet_Activate()' is NOT TRIGGERED on the first sheet the
      'Workbook is open to.
      'Set the focus on the LAST SHEET
      'Set the focus on the FIRST SHEET to trigger 'Worksheet_Activate()'
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

    Bizarre this didn't solve the problem either exact same problem (but when I call the sheet by name works fine)

  6. #6
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    Re: Conditionally Hide or deactivate code in an activeX command Button.

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll make a note that the problem still exists for future reference.

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