Hi daredan,
I love your wheel. Try the attached file. However, I didn't implement the year part, because I didn't see any Year segments.
This is how I approached your problem:
a. Macro 'RenameAciveShape()' was used to rename the segments to 'Jan' thru 'Dec'.
b. Macro 'AssignOnActionTextToWheelSegments()' was used to assign Macro 'WheelEventHandler()' as the Event Handler for all Shapes on the Sheet.
c. Macro 'WheelEventHandler()' processes CLICKS on the Wheel and puts the month in cell 'H1'.
Code follows (ordinary code module such as 'Module1'):
Option Explicit
Sub AssignOnActionTextToWheelSegments()
'This assigns macro 'WheelEventHandler' as the Event Handler for all Shapes on the Sheet
Dim Sh As Object
For Each Sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Sh.OnAction = "WheelEventHandler"
Next Sh
End Sub
Sub RenameAciveShape()
Dim sNewName As String
sNewName = InputBox("Enter a 3 letter month then select 'OK'", "Rename Wheel Segment Input Box")
Selection.ShapeRange.Name = sNewName
End Sub
Sub WheelEventHandler()
'This is the Wheel Segment Event Handler that assigns a month to cell 'H1'
Dim bHaveValidMonth As Boolean
Dim sMonth As String
Dim sUpperCaseMonth As String
'Get the name of the Shape that was selected
'Debug.Print Application.Caller
sMonth = Application.Caller
sUpperCaseMonth = UCase(sMonth)
'Test to see if the Shape selected was a month
Select Case sUpperCaseMonth
Case "JAN"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "FEB"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "MAR"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "APR"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "MAY"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "JUN"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "JUL"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "AUG"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "SEP"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "OCT"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "NOV"
bHaveValidMonth = True
Case "DEC"
bHaveValidMonth = True
End Select
'If the shape selected was a month, then assign the value to cell 'H1'
If bHaveValidMonth = True Then
ActiveSheet.Range("H1").Value = sMonth
End If
End Sub