I was wondering if there was a code that could be written so that whenever I click on a cell, a formula would automatically run. I've searched for this on the internet, but I can only find examples where the formula is applicable to only one cell. In my case, I'd like to be able to click on any one cell in a block of 264 cells and be able to run a formula for the criteria associated with that cell (ie: the column and row headers).
Attached is what a screenshot of what I currently have. I apologize that I'm not able to post the spreadsheet since it has confidential company information. I'd like to be able to click on any cell in the A10:L33 range and have it apply the same criteria as listed in the Month Detail Inquiry boxes starting on A37 and return the same result, row 1562. The screenshot shows that I'm drilling down into what's making up the balance in cell B25. However, currently the user has to input the Account number and Start Date to drill down into a balance. Does anyone know if I can set up a macro to apply the same criteria to pull the information rather than typing in the information in cells B38:B39?
The formulas in cells A1562 and N1562 are:
=IF(AND('Report 1'!E1521>=$B$39,'Report 1'!E1521<$B$40+1,'Report 1'!F1521=$B$38,'Report 1'!C1521=$B$3)=TRUE,'Report 1'!G1521,"N/A")
=IF(AND('Report 1'!E1521>=$B$39,'Report 1'!E1521<$B$40+1,'Report 1'!F1521=$B$38,'Report 1'!C1521=$B$3)=TRUE,'Report 1'!H1521,"N/A")
Report 1 is the data source and contains all raw data that is being pulled into the table.
I hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks!Spreadsheet Screenshot.docx