hello friends ,

i have work book , it has around 10 sheets with lots of formulas in it , also with some hyperlinks

sheet1 : 05055
sheet2 : 05560
sheet3 : 06065
sheet4 : 06570
sheet5 : 07075
sheet6 : 07580
sheet7 : 08085
sheet8 : 08590
sheet9 : 09095
sheet10 : 09510

i want to copy first 5 worksheets to new work book with values and hyperlinks ....
i want to copy another remaining five to same new work book as values and hyperlinks again ....

purpose of doing so , is ......my excel gets hang when i use vba for entire work book at once ....

i was using below code ...for smaller workbooks previously ...

Sub CopyWSToNewWB()
Dim anySheet As Worksheet


For Each anySheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
anySheet.UsedRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub