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Tweak VBA to Move SharePoint Files to a Folder in Same Location

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  1. #1
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    Tweak VBA to Move SharePoint Files to a Folder in Same Location

    Hello all.

    I know this may be a long shot but I will take my chance and hope that I won't get reamed too bad.

    I have been given the job to read someone's vba who is a serious expert. I usually record and tweak the code for small to medium automation but I only want to use small parts of the existing VBA with the main function being to move an Excel file on SharePoint to the "Archive" folder in the same location.

    I have included partial code below (let me know if more is needed to understand).

    When I tweak the code, I get "Compile error: Sub or Function not defined."

    Can anyone helpless novice?

    Thank you in advance.

        If ListOfFilenamesWithPath.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No file was found !"
            temp = MsgBox("Run Completed for " & ListOfFilenamesWithPath.Count & _
                " projects in about " & Round((Timer - Time1) / 60) & _
                " minutes. Active excel tab contains new L1 Rollup. Powerpoint window" & _
                " contains new L2 Rollup.  After sorting the L1 rollup and TOC tabs," & _
                " you can copy+paste them into the presentation.  The last tab (" & keepsht & ") may help with the TOC. " & _
                " Please delete it when you're done.", vbOKOnly, "DATA ROLLED UP!")
            updateSP = MsgBox("Updated month files (" & Replace(filesname, oldsufx, newsufx) & ") are ready to be added to " & filesfolder & _
                " and the " & filesname & " versions moved to Archive. " & _
                " Click Yes if you wish to update SharePoint now or No if you want" & _
                " to first look over the files in " & newfldr & " (then you'll need to rerun L1_and_L2_Rollup again).", vbYesNo, _
                title:="Ready to Update SharePoint.")
            If updateSP = vbYes Then Update_Sharepoint
        End If
    '        MsgBox ("Updated project files are currently stored in " & newfldr & ".  Use the Update Sharepoint macro if you are satisfied with them.")
    'reset to user's original calculation choice
        Application.Calculation = keepcalc
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Tweak VBA to Move SharePoint Files to a Folder in Same Location

    Is any part of the code highlighted when you get the error message?

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