Hello chin67326,
I just completed a project where I needed my UserForm to remember user selections without using a separate file or worksheet.
There are 3 parts to the process. Each embedded value is declared twice: Once as a Variable and again as a Constant. The third piece is a function that modifies the macro code for the constant declaration using the VBIDE.
During the UserForm_Initialize() Event, the Variable is set to the Constant value. Each time the Variable is changed, the function to modify the Constant needs to called to save it for next time.
I will work on creating a workbook to do what you want and post it in this thread for you. I should be able to finish it tonight.
Function to Change a Constant value in the Macro Module's Code
In my case, this macro function changes the constants in the same module the function is in. - Be sure to add the Keyword "Public" before your constants.
- Change the name in blue to the name of your module.
- This function accepts both String and Long type constants.
Function ChangeConst(ByVal Const_Name As String, ByVal Const_Value As Variant) As Boolean
' This changes the value of a Const in the module CalendarAPI.
' This allows a value to be saved and loaded as the default
' value the next the frmCalendar is displayed, like the date cell.
Dim Line As Long
Dim What As String
What = "Public Const " & Const_Name
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("CalendarAPI").CodeModule
For Line = 1 To .CountOfLines
' This prevents VBA from hanging up if the constant is not found.
If .Find(What, Line, 1, Line, -1) = True Then
Select Case VarType(Const_Value)
Case vbString
.ReplaceLine Line, What & vbTab & "As String = """ & Const_Value & """"
ChangeConst = True
Exit For
Case vbInteger, vbLong
.ReplaceLine Line, What & vbTab & "As Long = " & Const_Value
ChangeConst = True
Exit For
End Select
End If
Next Line
End With
End Function