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Populating data in Sheet1 of the attached workbook from Access table

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  1. #1
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    Populating data in Sheet1 of the attached workbook from Access table

    Hi ALl

    For my project , I am using Excel as a fronend and Access as a backend. Now, I want to write the code in workbook_Open event that will copy data in Column L,M,N,O from Access table. The query should select data from Access table where Date=Todays Date. All the Queue Names and corresponding Queue Numbers are stored in Sheet2 of the attached workbook. In Access table , there are three fields named as Type,Type1,Type2 which make up Queue numbers.

    In Sheet1 , There are Queue Names and we have to store Total Batches,Totl Envelopes,total Documents and total Pages for the corresponding Queue Names in Sheet1. SO for this we need to check the Queue Numbers of the Queue names in SHeet2 but in table Queue Numbers are equal to Type & Type1 & Type2.

    Please see attached the workbook.

    Any help would be much appreciated.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Populating data in Sheet1 of the attached workbook from Access table

    All, The Queue number consist of Type & Type1 & Type2. SO in Access table, there is no Queue number field but the Queue number is the combinantion of Type,Type1 and Type2 fields .

    The sheet2 stores Queue Names for the corresponding Queue numbers. In Sheet1, In column A all the Queue Names are stored. Now for each Queue Name, we need t find Queue Number from Sheet2 and check in the Access table if that Type&Type1&Type2=Queue Number and if yes then find total Batches,Envelopes,Documnts and Pages and store in Sheet 1 against the corresponding Queue Names.

    I hope I made it clear. ANy questions please let me know.


  3. #3
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    Re: Populating data in Sheet1 of the attached workbook from Access table

    Hey Forum Gurus, Please help me in this. I have a tight deadline for this.. Plssssss help me out.

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