The way that I would do it is
'in the UDF
test Application.Caller against the result array,
if it (the range Application.Caller) is the right size, return the array: DONE
if it is not
pass the current range (to be blanked)
pass the range of the correct size
pass the formula
' in the Calculate event
Blank the current (wrong sized range)
put the formula in the correct sized range. This triggers the UDF again, which will go out the OK branch.
Here is an example. Note that this heavily assumes that the result is wanted in a column.
put =myArrayFtn(A1) in a cell (not in column A) and change the value of A1.
Then put =myArrayFtn(B1) in a different cell.
' in a normal module
Function myArrayFtn(N As Long) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim arrResult As Variant
Dim keyAddress As String
Dim resultSize As Long
Rem get values for array
ReDim arrResult(1 To N)
For i = 1 To N
arrResult(i) = i
Next i
Rem handle displaying the results
resultSize = UBound(arrResult)
If TypeName(Application.Caller) = "Range" Then
If Application.Caller.Rows.Count <> resultSize Then
Rem if array formula is wrong size, send info to collections for adjustment
keyAddress = Application.Caller.Resize(resultSize, 1).Address(, , , True)
With ThisWorkbook
.CellsForFormula.Add Item:=Application.Caller.Resize(resultSize, 1), Key:=keyAddress
.FormulaForCells.Add Item:=Application.Caller.FormulaArray, Key:=keyAddress
.CellsToBlank.Add Item:=Application.Caller, Key:=keyAddress
End With
myArrayFtn = False
Rem if called by array formula (of the correct size), transpose for column output
myArrayFtn = Application.Transpose(arrResult)
End If
Rem if not called by worksheet formula
myArrayFtn = arrResult
End If
End Function
' in ThisWorkbook code module
Public CellsForFormula As New Collection
Public FormulaForCells As New Collection
Public CellsToBlank As New Collection
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim keyAddress As String
Dim oneRange As Range
For Each oneRange In Me.CellsForFormula
keyAddress = oneRange.Address(, , , True)
Me.CellsForFormula(keyAddress).FormulaArray = Me.FormulaForCells(keyAddress)
Next oneRange
With Me
Set .CellsForFormula = Nothing
Set .CellsToBlank = Nothing
Set .FormulaForCells = Nothing
End With
End Sub