I currently have 1 workbook consisting of 5 tabs of information that will narrow down, via formulas and user input, who is actually working on the desired shift, in the desired department on the desired day and what level employee they are. The issue is that the tab which houses all of the final information has every employee listed on it. If they're not working, there's no data next to them. What I want to do is create a Macro which will look through the compiled spreadsheet for the people that satisfy all requirements and then paste that specific row of information into a separate sheet. This way I can see a roster of just who I actually need to look at without having to use filters. Below is a rough example of the output on the working roster sheet:
Employee Name Job Title Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Employee A FC Associate I 1 1 1 1
Employee B FC Associate III 3 3 3 3
Employee C FC Associate I 1 1 1 1
Employee D FC Associate I 1 1 1 1
Employee E FC Associate I 1 1 1 1
Quick overview, if there's no number, they're not working. The number represents their level.
Can anyone help me in the very near future. I'd love to have this done by tomorrow. Thank you.
For some reason, they example isn't coming out clear, so to clarify:
Employee A is on Su, M, F, Sa
B is on Su, M, F, Sa
C is on Su, M, F, Sa
D is on M, T, F, Sa
E is on M, T, F, Sa
So in my new list, I would only want to see 3 people on Sunday, all 5 on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, etc.