Hi everyone,
I have the following code:
Sub RepLetters()
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "A-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "B-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "C-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "D-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "E-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "•", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "-", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "A)", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "B)", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "C)", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "D)", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "E)", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "1.", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "2.", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "3.", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "4.", ""
Range("I1:Z100").Replace "5.", ""
End Sub
Pretty simple. However, whenever I run the code, if there's even on word that is bold in the cell, then the entire text string in the cell turns bold. How can I stop this from happening? i want to keep the format of the text string the same, only remove and replace the items listed in the code.